This original anime production cel and douga set comes from a pivotal moment in Saint Seiya, specifically during the intense battle between Hyoga and his revered mentor, the Crystal Saint, in Episode 21. At the 17:34 mark, Hyoga finds himself overwhelmed, hitting the ground in a dramatic scene that showcases the emotional and physical turmoil of fighting his own teacher.
Scene Description:
- Moment: Hyoga, in the heat of battle, is knocked to the ground, physically exhausted and emotionally conflicted as he faces the powerful Crystal Saint. This fight is a test of both Hyoga's strength and his ability to confront his past loyalties and emotions.
- Episode: 21 (Fight against the Crystal Saint)
- Timestamp: 17:34
- Significance: This moment underscores Hyoga's struggle, not just as a fighter, but as a student forced to challenge the person who taught him everything. The battle is a key turning point for Hyoga, both in terms of character development and narrative progression.
Artistic Detail:
- Cel and Douga: This production set includes both the hand-painted cel and the corresponding douga, which showcase the dynamic movement of Hyoga as he falls to the ground. The detailed expression on his face reflects his inner conflict and determination.
- Pose: Hyoga is captured mid-fall, his body bracing for impact, with his iconic Cygnus Cloth gleaming as he strikes the ground. The energy and motion are beautifully illustrated through the precise lines of the douga and the vibrant colors of the cel.
This cel and douga represent a critical, emotional moment in Saint Seiya, particularly for fans of Hyoga. It encapsulates not only the physical intensity of the battle but also the deeper emotional themes of loyalty, mentorship, and growth. A prized addition for any collector, this piece is a testament to the artistry and storytelling that have made Saint Seiya an enduring anime classic.