This original production set from Magical Princess Minky Momo: Hold on to Your Dreams features Gigi and her friends at the library, combining vibrant cels, gengas, and a hand-painted original background.
This second Minky Momo series, which aired from October 1991 to December 1992 with 62 episodes, follows a new Minky Momo, the princess of Marinarsa, the land of dreams under the sea. Like her predecessor, she lives with a childless couple and uses her magic to help people achieve their hopes and dreams.
The series eventually sees both Minkys—Momo of Fenarnarsa and Momo of Marinarsa—banding together in a bid to save Fenarnarsa and restore people’s hopes. Voiced by the legendary Megumi Hayashibara, this version of Minky Momo captivated fans with its heartfelt themes and enchanting animation.
This complete set is a rare find, perfect for collectors seeking a piece of this beloved magical girl legacy.