This exceptional Lupin III production cel features Arsene Lupin III and his trusted sharpshooter partner, Daisuke Jigen, in an exciting action scene as they drive through a pond. Paired with a hand-painted background, this piece exemplifies the franchise's signature blend of thrilling adventure and dynamic animation.
Created by Monkey Punch in 1967, Lupin III has captivated audiences for decades with its stylish heists, charismatic characters, and clever storytelling. The cel's vibrant colors and expressive poses of Lupin and Jigen bring the intensity of the chase to life.
The addition of a hand-painted background elevates this piece to an even higher level of artistry, making it a rare and valuable find for collectors.
Original backgrounds paired with character cels offer a more complete visual experience, immersing viewers in the detailed worlds of their favorite anime. This piece is a must-have for fans of Lupin III and showcases the unique charm and excitement that have made the series a classic in the anime world.
A true collector’s gem, representing one of the most beloved duos in anime history!